Monday, September 26, 2011

Love, hate and cinnamon pinecones

I adore this time of year. The cool evenings, mild days and the leaves turning in the trees. It makes me want to bake and do lots of crafts. Thankfully I have a bit of motivation to make some really interesting items such as Crinoids for the Natural history museum and owls for a friend. Yeah that is quite a mix!

What is a crinoid?? Well they are ancient ocean dwellers. Think octopus on a stick:

I have been making them out of clay. We are creating a new exhibit on Missouri fossils. I will put up more pictures when I am finished. Right now they look a little sad! Each one takes several hours to make because of my need for perfection. Still, they are lots of fun. The big challenge is baking them in the oven since they are quite tall.

Now that it is fall I have a list of favorites to share: My top three loves of September

1. Iced Chocolate covered raspberry Mochas- Wow, these are so yummy. I had them in a cafe in St. Charles over the summer. I finally perfected the recipe at Starbucks. Ask for an iced mocha with two shots of raspberry flavor! Super yummy even for those that have to have soy.

2. My Mom's apple pie- I have been having some bad weeks and she decided to surprise me with a huge apple pie. It has the old fashion shortening dough and is loaded with apples. Heaven for breakfast.

3. Cooler weather- Finally able to wear boots, sweaters and scarves after this scorching hot summer. I am so ready!

Things that I am NOT fond of. Oh yes there are more than 3 but I won't bore you with them.

1.  Cinnamon Pinecones: Whoever invented these horrid things should be slapped.. hard!! I hate them! It seems like every store places them right at the front door to overwhelm you with their poison. My eyes burn and I end up sneezing with every wiff. Last year I enjoyed a rather nasty cinnamon pinecone induced asthma attack. Not fun..

2. Spiders in the house- The cooler nights have made the spiders move in with a vengence this year. I cannot use harsh bug sprays due to the birds so they sneak in. I found a huge one by the front door. It was so big I could see the hair on it! I did the shrieking spider dance of horror till Brian got home and slayed it with a shoe.

3. Snarky people in the craft stores- Everyone is preparing for the upcoming holidays which means long lines, mean people and near misses in the parking lots. Do everyone a favor and put on a happy face this year. Don't be one of those crabby old ladies that yell at the poor checkers about long lines. Spread a bit of cheer for a change.

Last but not least yummy recipe of the week:

Chocolate Peanut butter Whoopie Pies from Martha Stewart:


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