Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A very retro halloween

As promised... Halloween the early years!

Age 5- A Care bear. The costume was made by my Mother. 

Age 6- Geisha girl! This was the first time I ever wore make-up. As you can tell I was really happy about that!

Age 7- Daisy Duck. Another Handmade Mom costume. I won 1st place in our schools costume parade! (back when you could still dress up at school)

Age 9- Princess wizard- Clearly I was not happy about this one!

Age 10- The little mermaid. Wow, I cannot believe how long my hair was!

And stolen from the vaults some pictures of Brian
 Brian Bogert- Age 4- Dragon!
Aw, I love this! 

Brian Age 12- Skeleton

Can't wait to share our homemade costumes! 


Monday, October 10, 2011

DIY Halloween scary eyes photo frame

I discovered the site Pinterest in class several weeks ago. Needless to say I am hopelessly addicted to it. There are so many wonderful ideas out there and I have already created 10 boards and over 109 pins! Yikes! It is a great way to save all of your favorite ideas on a website instead of your Favorites on your computer. This is one of the ideas:
The original tutorial can be found here:

I decided to make a smaller version that would fit on my husbands desk without being too much. The man is a severe minimalist. I made two frames for under $5.00. Sweet!

You need:
Two chip board or wooden frames
Acrylic Paint
Ribbon or rick rack
sticker letters or chipboard letters
lots of googly eyes

Paint the chip board frames in a color of your choice. I decided on black. I had to use several coats to cover up the dolphins. This was a kids coloring kit for 99 cents.

Next (after the paint dries) start gluing on your eyes. I used a variety of sizes and used more than the picture above. I got a bit crazy! I DO NOT recommend hot glue! I burned my fingers something awful gluing on the tiny eyes. Try tacky glue instead.

I used some huge eyes to fill in the extra spaces. I wanted a really creepy look.
Finally, add your decorations. I used rick rack instead of ribbon and some cheap black glitter stickers. I used a small square of felt to make the letters pop. Put in your favorite photo and that's all folks!

Before I forget here is a very retro halloween costume photo of me. I think it was 5th grade when I wore this little number. My mother made me the little mermaid costume complete with shiny shells! She is so stinking talented. Can you believe how long my hair was! Stayed tuned for even more halloween fun!



Monday, October 3, 2011

Halloween is almost here!!

I love Halloween. It really is my favorite holiday. Nevermind the silly "oh its pagan" and "oh you sinner" I love it for other reasons. It's the time to relive childhood and be as silly as you want.

1. As an adult during other parts of the year if you walk around during the day dressed in a costume people might have you committed. During Halloween its perfectly acceptable to dress as a zombie pirate or a fairy princess. I have been known to wear up to 3 costumes in one day. Last year I was a pirate, and a Redshirt (Star Trek) and I think I did the Mad Scientist thing too. See below
*Thankfully my husband is equally as nutty as I am!

2. I don't have to worry about family wanting us to come over. It is a whole day for Brian and I to be goofy on our own sans judgement.

Yeah, we do this a lot!

3. I don't have to buy a dang thing for anyone! (well sometimes candy but we usually end up eating it all). No gifts to wrap, credit cards to max out.. well unless I decide to wear more than one costume!

4. Crafts!!!! Oh tis the season for crazy crafts.. I get to make my own costume and Brian's, carve pumpkins, make owl cookies and decorate with silly fun and sometimes creepy stuff.
Note: this is the only time of year where fake spiders are acceptable. No other time... ever..

Yes, I did glue fake spiders to my face!

So this month I plan to feature fun crafts and an anthology of some of my best costumes! Stay tuned! Oh and feel free to send me links of all your wacky costume ideas, crafts and pumpkin carving ideas!
