Friday, November 11, 2011

My Grandfather

Today is Veterans Day. A day to thank those that serve and have served in our military. A day to remember their sacrifice.. 

Today is a mixed day for me. Today I think if the men in my family that have served our country. I think of the only Grandfather I knew: Virgil Elsworth Eddy

Grandpa was a complicated man that could be my strongest Ally or my greatest enemy. He was my protector, my tormentor, a story teller and a hero. He made my life interesting to say the least. I regret only a few things in life and my biggest is not telling him thank you for his service to our country. Our relationship was close but there were a few things that we never addressed fully and his service was one of them. He did tell me lots of stories as I got older and shared his pictures, letter and memories. I share a few of these today to pay tribute to the man that I miss more than I dare to admit. 

My Grandfather joined the army to go beyond himself and serve others, to help rid the world of a great evil. He served in Algeris-Morocco, Sicily, and Naples-Foggia and achieved the rank of Sargeant in the 1st Signal Armored Battalion. What he saw and the things he experienced went beyond that of a common soldier. He documented in photos not only what he experienced but the people that he saw along the way.
 Before Shipping out.. A photo letter to my Grandmother. 

Proud in his new Army uniform

He talked often of the friends he met and shared tents with before shipping out. He told me about the pranks they would pull on each other and the grueling training. Life then was easy compared to the time he would spend overseas. 
Pretending to be one of the drill Sgts. 

When they landed in Italy he said that everything changed. He did not like to talk about the fighting, the bombs or his orders. The first story he tells is of his company holed up in a farmers field on a tall hill somewhere in Italy. They had been engaged in serious combat all day and were exhausted and on edge. All night they could hear movement on the fields below them. Worried that the entire Germany military had surrounded them they opened fire. As the sun rose the next morning they discovered that they had shot a farmers whole field of goats. 
Written on the back: "Just me taken in Sicily Oct 1st, 1943. Love and Kisses Virgil

The other stories that I remember revolved around the children in the bombed out war zones of Sicily and Palermo. He would save his chocolate and some of his rations to pass out the war orphans he would encounter every day. At this point in the story he would get up and make some coffee so I would not see him cry. 
 Written on the back: War orphans in Sicily Palermo

"In the bombed section of a city in Sicily"
My Grandfather is the one seated
This was the child he thought about the most. 
"A war orphan found during the fight here: 1943"
"He was found in a center of a heavy bombed city. War is war"

When he wasn't fighting he was involved in several get rich schemes that he and his buddies would try to make life a bit more enjoyable. They bought a cigarette and junk cart from a man on the streets and tried to sell to the other soldiers and people. His words sum up their progress:
Timmy Lambert, Bob Lakota and Me trying to forget the horrors of war. Somewhere in Sicily. 
"We bought the wagon and tried to make some money. It didn't work. ~Virg"
My Grandfather is on the left.

"Taken in the heart of a city here"
Grandpa at the right next to the young man enjoying some of his chocolate

He also documented everyday life and stuggles that the people endured during the war. 
"German HG somewhere in Sicily after our flying forts worked it over"
"A meal in the making.. this family has no home and lives in the remains of a bombed building. Note the holes from bullets or shrapnel. Oct 3, 1943"

"Cooking dinner Sicilian style"

The thing I noticed most was his compassion for the people he met. He told me once that the orphans haunted him the most. When I look at these pictures I can see why. It wasn't just about the fighting.. it was the people that endured before, during and after he was there. He wanted to share a bit of their story with his. 

He never wanted to be called a hero. He did not keep his medals or uniform or go to any parades. He tried to  become an everyday citizen once it all was over. The only thing left were his memories and these pictures that I kept after his death. 
"Just sleeping after a hard nights work...also dreaming of you. Yours forever - Virg"

He will remain a hero to me always. 

Dear Grandpa-
I wish I had written this sooner or at least sat down and said these words to you. I did not understand in my child's mind what you endured and saw all those years ago. I did not want to cause you pain. So I say this now.. Thank you..

Thank you for fighting in a war to protect the world from a great evil. You sacrificed time, family and sanity to keep our country free. You taught me that war is more than bombs and guns, its about the people that needed   help to overcome one of our darkest hours. You shared your stories and tears with me.. trusting me with your memories and photos. I keep them safe and I share them so your stories will not be forgotten. 

I hope that you are happy where you are now. That your dreams and hurts are gone. I miss you and our visits. I miss your laugh.. Thank you for protecting me and for protecting so many others. 

Thank you... you are and always will be a hero..

Sincerely~ Your biggest fan